bit and piece fallen way from nextame
by Ashley Alvis

 in her inner ears i've whispered much,
  that she, for some reason, only her hears.
   these breasts to breasts, these heart to hearts
    have shrunk space all downy to a dot
     and dotted time's eye with a fly speck.

 As i read back over NextameShe Lies,
  i realized that the person it resembled most
   is my dear ex. Well the only real person.
 But nextathat, it is a powerful metaphor,
  if you'll listen to my ego swell,
   of what happens to me, and i suppose most other myst ones toos,
    as nirvana raises What Nerve! into an artform, deformed.
 There's part a me sucked up the rope to God,
  as if He were slurping a spaghetti strand,
   and me a stain of sauciness at its end,
 And another part a me that screams nJoy!
  as it falls upward like a rocked it,
   cursing all left behind
    with the insults of light,
     fallen down like a fallen angel
 of darkness, from darkness, into darkness.