Someone, i don't know who, and i don't wish
to be in that someone's place at all!
I'm incredibly difficult to endure living with
for prolonged periods, at least that's my track record.
So i suspect it will take some incredible being to work through
all she must in order to understand my fullness of being
and all the damage it can cause and the delights it entails.
The delights are the worst part, the drive you insane parts
but they only remember the damaging onslaughts,
so it seems. Transformation requires destruction of the old
This wine can only be born by everReNewed bottles.
And i Whine loudest of any i've ever met.
That's a lot to bare and a lot to bear.
Currently i have about five people in love with me,
that spreads out the burden thinly enough, it seems.
It has to stay that way, i think,
even after marriage.
Like you, i have too much love to offer,
and i drain my givers like only the desert sands can sup.
My soul's mate will have to join in, fully prepared to die entirely.