I never expect you or anyone
to fully respond to me.
No one owes me anything,
i won't let them owe me anything.
I dwell in the realm of:
what is given is given freely
because we are givers
because we are love
and love-givers have no rules, save love
which flows like water, not where
it wills itself to go, but wherever
the terrain is low.
But we rest upon higher ground
and are always dry
save for what leaves us
We can only drink in passing
and not from anothers cup.
It's not your place to feel bad.
To wonder, yes; to regret, yes,
but those are Not bad feelings.
Remove guilt from your inner dictionary!
Stop clinging to the downers of the heart!
Start depending on His will,
wondering where it's going
and more often will you
catch His drift
and flow in.
everything can wait
I choose what i will
when it seems best
No one decides this for me
Even i don't decide it
It comes to me
as it will
I'm thinking that unless you post to a list
then i'm not sharing your words with anyone.
I'll just edit out what you say,
putting it into my own words
and cut out your identity entirely.
If you insist on privacy between us,
then you don't exist any longer
as the catalyst of my remarks
and the playmate of my
most divine realms
as far as anyone else has a "right" to know.
i am what i am
and what i am not
Don't ask me who
i've become, or
you will only get nonsense
in reply. I am not
what i write
however diligently
i do strive
to become.