like a cloudburst's lightning
nails the earth with gladness
too bright for any soil to bear.
The trees all shrivel in her grasp,
the forests lap her fire.
She drivels then, evaporates,
into far bluer skies,
and in the sunset see her shame
in purpling evening pyres.
As night falls softly
she prowls ...
seeking orphanned little birds,
to cuddle them soundly off to sleep
that their dreams she will inspire,
with growing fully joyously
into knowing loves they've never seen
and raising families so blissfully,
sending forth her midnight kisses
that inwardly will wean
them from dependency on her,
toward clinging to stars light,
from which she gets her nourishment
then welcomes them to flight
far above the atoms' spheres
to infinitely vacuous spaces
through which brilliance travels fast,
unrestrained by lesser matters
and the lowlier desires from the past.
O Taste her Fire! with your eyes
and sip till tongue's a flame
then never will you need a hearth
so warm's your innward swain,
that home is what you carry 'round,
her heart is all you need;
that all His creatures seek you out
for cuddling midnight feeds.