"up the creek"
by Ashley Alvis

  In the creek we sculpted waterfalls,
      adding and subtracting rocks,
    until we got the flow and sounds
            we loved best;

then we rushed back after the next big rain
     to see what Nature had decided.
   Some she changed, and some she kept.
She seemed to want to let all the water out,
   but also prized certain logs and twigs,
        wedging them into place.

     So, like her, we built dams
      and made our pools deeper
        and caught crawfish
    and flourescent striped darters
and we herded whirligigs into our pens
  and analyzed the skating of striders,
surface tension hovercraft hydroplanes.

    We created a serene  stagnation.

 And she kept setting free our stagnation
  without ever once losing her serenity.

     (Her Husband keeps doing
       the same damn thing!
         to all of us.)