my friend
by Chad Nieboer

dressed in my dirtiest clothes
sunglasses telling the sun to keep out
my car roars mechanical screams
just as i'm leaving my house
my dog runs out behind me
my only best friend i have left
wagging his tail
his tongue sticking out smiles
i love you i love you
he barks his good byes
get out of the road i yell.
don't get hurt!

i've seen these pick up trucks
i know they kill animals and
keep score on their dash board
i've met these people
i've been threatened by these people
and now my dog is in their road!

don't fucking die!
i know what they can do
and i won't let them hurt you
you've always been better then people

mini vans are coming down the street
i'm such a clumsy driver
i'm twisting my steering wheel
i don't know what to do
yelling out my window
don't hurt my dog!!!
fuck you, leave him alone
just watch out!!
don't hurt my dog!!!

in my review mirror they barely miss him
and i'm shaking and crying and feeling sick
i'll be home soon i whisper
an emotional car wreck