Ellenton, South Carolina
(March 30, 1994 - 4321 7th Ave. Rock Island 8:35 am)
by David B. Rhaesa

This is a eulogy
a burial prayer
for a town
lost to the cold war.
What is a town?
What is a village?
What is a city?
How does a government
sacrifice a community
tear apart families
and friends
in the name of
fighting a distant enemy
like the government
at the height of the Cold War
Ellenton, South Carolina
you felt
Big Brother’s wrath
some forty years ago.
Now we know
of your fate.
Now we grieve
the loss of your community.
Now we fear
that what happened to you
could happen to us
in the new search
for a post-cold war enemy.
Who will be sacrificed next?
What will we make warfare against next?
Why can’t we even
conceive in this nearly Aquarian Age
the simple concept of
"Give Peace a Chance"?
Why can’t we believe
Melanie’s Woodstock words
"There’s a chance
peace will come
in my life. . . ."?
Can we really have any hope
for peace in this world
when we individually
harbor so much
so much
so much
so much
Can any of us honestly
sing the old song
"Let there be peace on earth
and let it begin with me . . ."?
Can any of us honestly
"Let there be peace on earth
the peace that was meant
to be. . . ."?
If peace begins within each of us
can we hope for world peace
while harboring
towards any of God’s creations?
"Give Peace a Chance" in my life
"Give Peace a Chance" in the memory of Ellenton, South Carolina
Rest in peace lost town
ghost town
and let the trees which rest
where people once walked
sing your story
to the centuries ahead.