(December 1992)
by David B. Rhaesa
My shrink says that my mind is like
A Ferrari engine
In a Volkswagon chassis,
A Ferrari engine
In a Volkswagon chassis –
What a metaphor, I thought.
My shrink often talks in car metaphors.
But I thought to myself when he said
The part about that Volkswagon
That if it was a VW van
I think I’d like to keep it the way it is.
I didn’t tell him this of course
Because he might think I’m a little crazy –
But I’ve always had this thing about
VW vans.
I was into them even before I’d heard
The word Fahrvergnügen.
But the thing is I’m an idiot when it comes
To automotive repairs.
I don’t even know how to fix the fuse
On my left blinker that hasn’t worked
Since the day I got my car back from
Jim’s Autobody after $1200 worth of
Repairs for running into Jennifer’s
Driveway curb.
I remember thinking all the times
I’d driven under the influence of
Controlled substances and never hit
Driving through LA rush hour traffic
Trying to catch a plane
After a New Year’s party with
Every hallucinogen known to man
Woman or beast
And never hit anything.
And now that I’m straight as an
I run into Jennifer’s curb.
But I digress
I’ve read Zen and the Art of
Motorcycle Maintenance
Several times
And intellectually I understand
The importance of auto repair
To a balanced, healthy life
But my technophobia takes
Over and I just avoid
Left turns and hope that
My friend –
A woman who knows about
Cars and lots of other
Mechanical stuff –
Will help me out with it.
I don’t like to admit that
I’m helpless, but I really
Don’t get the auto repair stuff.
Numerous people upon hearing
My fantasy about the VW Van
Have looked at me like I was crazy
And said you really have to know
How to do your own auto repair.
If I had a VW Van with a
Ferrari engine
It might work
And the fuses on the left blinker
Would be from a Ferrari too
So they’d work
And I could drive around
In my White VW Van
Just like Andrea’s at Heritage
Or Kimberly’s who I met once
Or the two that used to sit
Side by side along the highway
With one for sale sign
And an unreasonably
Cheap price tag
On the road to Lincoln Nebraska.
But I didn’t tell my shrink
That I liked the idea of the
VW chassis.
I didn’t think he’d understand.
He’s a nice man
But he’s a little divorced from
The real world.
We were talking about music
One day
And he asked me my favorite album
I said
Dylan, “Blood on the Tracks.”
He said “Who’s Dylan?”
I remember thinking that maybe
We needed to switch places.
I mean this guy thought the
Best guitar player of all time
Was some classical Spanish guy
And I doubt he’d ever heard
Of Robert Johnson
Or Jimi Hendrix
Or Jimmy Page
So how could he possibly understand
That some people might prefer a
VW Van to a Ferrari?
The thing you’ve got to know about
Shrinks is that you really have to be
Careful how much you tell them.
They really think they’ve heard it all
But I’d guess my shrink
? like most shrinks –
Thinks that all flies
Look alike.
“Flies, Oh they all look alike,” he’d say.
But we know that’s not true.
For example
Eye color
Have you ever noticed how many
Different colored eyes
Flies have?
I have.
And I wasn’t on drugs.
There are flies with fluorescent green eyes
Flies with blood red eyes
Flies with black eyes
And blue eyes.
In fact fly eye color is far more
Diverse than human eye color.
So don’t believe the shrinks
When they say that all flies
Look alike.
And if you watch a fly real closely
Don’t swat it away
Just watch it intently
And don’t send any
Threatening thoughts its way
You’ll find that flies
Are fascinating creatures.
Now I must admit
And please don’t tell the
That I have on occasions
Talked to flies.
Not nearly as often
As I’ve talked to
But on occasion
I’ve talked to them.
Now I couldn’t say it was
A conversation
But I did get the feeling
That the fly understood
That I wasn’t going to kill it
That I believe that
Every fly has
A right to life
But I can’t be sure it was a
Conversation because
The flies don’t talk back
Like the crickets do.
But – they do rub their back legs
Together and flutter their wings
In something that appears to be
Orgasmic activity.
The crickets talk back
But they’re pretty shy
About their orgasms.
But crickets have
A right to life too.
So, I hope you’ll join me
In starting a movement for
Nonviolence against
Flies and crickets
And all other creatures.
And we’ll all get together
In a VW Van
With a Ferrari engine
And we’ll drive over to
My shrink’s house
And we’ll put
In the tape deck
And introduce him
To reality.
We’ll play
Ballad of a Thin Man
And let the Shrink play
The part
And walk around the
While we mumble
Along with Dylan
“Something’s happening
here and you don’t know
what it is, do you, Mr. Jones.”
And the crickets will chrip
Along with the lyrics
And their voices are
A little better than Dylan’s
And the flies with their
Many colored eyes will
Fly around happy that
Fly-swatters were banned
During the old revolution.