The Essence of IT!
by David B. Rhaesa
Thelonious Monk
there everywhere
not there
don't proofread
just go
with the go
Round Midnight
we swing
very deep in the
Chariot seats
Making Out like a couple of damn Teenagers
singing each other's praises
to friends
and grapevines from here and there to
a mistake
no not that one
that one was intended
not intentional
find the sentence between those two lines
and you'll understand
inside and out
what loving her like a teenager
is all about
what loving her like a wild beast
is all about
outside and in
inside and out
the game to mate
don't be late
or switch it up
and swing real low
and start it all up again
don't collect your
two hundred dollars
and don't
pass GO!
a mistake
those damn dice
IT is those damn dice
Same as Yahtzee just another verse
Ruby, my Dear
Ruby Tuesday you inner girlfriend of mine
We know what your name is
And who you are
And how wet met
Long long ago on another planet
swinging round midnight
on a moonbeam
that we didn't even have to wish for
The songs of our connection
passed down
through muses
to the living
and we meet
in a Park
with a symphony
of Mountain Air
singing the song of our separation
and the journey come
hell or high water
for our friendly relationship
to come
Criss Cross
Strange how we meet
who we need to meet
just when we need to meet them
antelopes and does
in Parks and Cities
above the treetops and in the basements
we all meet
the ghosts of those we've met before
and we wonder
Just which freeway
we're all stuck on tonight.
In the back seat
like a couple of teenagers
turned wild beast
and back again.