by Melinda Nowikowski
Hallowe'en, ran to the store late
For something, coffee, who knows?
Three AmerInd teenagers, doing their
Level best to look
Innocent as kittens,
Sprang from a pickup truck as I came out
The automatic doors.
It was cold, I was alone, they were
Running straight at me...
For half a second I held my breath.
Then one of them winked at me,
Snatched a pumpkin from a crate,
Tossed it to one of the others,
And they were back in the truck
And on the street.
Right down the middle of Indian Wells,
I was half a block behind as
They laughed, the two in the back
Fell about, clutching pumpkin
While the driver swerved, no dignity.
I was still laughing when the DPS car's
Lights flashed in my rearview,
Moved out of the way just as the
Pumpkin made a bomb,
There on the pavement and
The boy who'd winked at me
Fished for his I.D.