Dr. Kildare Organizes
(Or why America has the best health care system on the planet)
by R. Bentz Kirby

I dreamed I saw Tom Joad last night
When the AMA voted to to form a collective bargaining unit.
Joe Hill said that a Mercedes Benz in every doctors' garage
Was only fair, the social contract says.
John L. Lewis was concerned, said he
Thought mds were being "crushed under the rocks
of rules and regulations, government interference,
HMOs, PPOs and contracts."
Imagine that.
George Meany said that it is a shame
That the insurance companies are more concerned about
Profit than treatment for their customers.
And rest assured that we do not need a national health plan.
Cause that really would do the doctors in.
So, Tom Joad said,
He was gonna be on the picket lines
Locked arm in arm with Dr. Kildare,
Dr. Casey, Doogie Houser, and all the other
Oppressed and suffering AMA masses.
Free the Doctors, let them treat their patients in peace!
My God, have we no heart for their suffering?

I wonder if the ABA will follow suit?