Georgetown to Columbia
(A Travelogue)
by R. Bentz Kirby

At 12:00 midnight, the Georgetown steel mill
Is belching smoke covering the sky
Demon-like redness.
At 12:00 noon, there is no smoke.
Georgetown on 17 Alt is cheap commercial construction.
On to Andrews, Panola, Burnt Gin,
Greelyville, Paxville, Pinewood.
Confederate navel battlejacks are unfurled,
Close to Mt. Zero Baptist Church
and the Pentacostal spirit filled flame.
Cotton, tobacco, strips of pine trees
Gobbled by giant beetles into trucks
To shed bark on your car.

Dekalb Corn signs like Detroit Red Wings,
Turn to Jesus or burn in HELL!
Columbia's free weekly.
At Coopers Country Grocery,
A bbq sandwich, crackling (low fat)
And Clearly Canadian.
A men's room with yellowed baseboards,
And ammonia eaten pipes.
Manchester, Wedgefield, knee high grass.
10th Anniversary Special Issue.

In Andrews the boys n the hood are
On the street.
Fierce, scary, no respect,
All is lost and gone, gone, gone.
(Probably real excited about workfare here.)
Yuhannah, Highway 261,
Thinking about youth
Imagining linear life.
And innocence.

Boiled peanuts are better for children than candy,
hulls flying out of window.
White cadillacs on blocks
White caddys on the road.
How could Antoine have known?
Tenants are people too!
The first issue.
Charles L. Griffin, III highway.
Right over Railroad Avenue.

Free Times.
Times are bought with a price.
What willing payment?
What extracted?
Jesus Saves.
Cross on the side,
Public boat ramps,
Pinewood hazard waste.
When will it arrive?
Hopkins, Lower Richland, Manchester.
Linear is not life.
Life is not linear.
Free entertainment,
But not linear,
And not necessairly pleasant.
At the silo,
The chutes on the ground,
Corn scattered round.

Sumter F-15's thundering
I am in a vertical climb.
Is it possible to be
A dishonest polluter?
A white man barefoot,
Talks to the black woman.
The Confederate Navel Battlejack,
Flies down the block.

Like a river in fast forward,
I am flowing here,
Georgetown to Columbia.
Waste not want not.
I am here,
Nothing is there,
30 years in between.
Free times.
Columbia City Limits.
An All-American City.
Bessinger heats it
In a microwave.
And Garner's Ferry melts into the Devine.
Melt into the Divine.