by R. Bentz Kirby
I would like to extend to you
My deepest regrets upon the passing
Of your fondest wishes
Into the cistern of sadness
Filled in part by all
Who have ever cared enough
For it to really matter.

But, you know,
If I really stopped and thought,
I can not keep my hopes
Tied up in one knot
Or my love tied up
In one simple spot
For some seeds fall on the path,
Some in the weeds,
And some in the fertile soil.

My regrets are to your vision
My regrets are to your possibility
My regrets are to your healing grace
My regrets are to your magic touch
My regrets are to your holy presence
My regrets are to your touch on my skin
My regrets are to your absence in this dream.

My regrets are deepest felt by me,
The space you left behind.
My regrets are for the universe,
Cause I felt it stop, for just a second,
As I dropped down into the cistern,
Surrounded by the rain dropping
For the drought to come.

Please accept these heartfelt regrets,

Your humble servant and ex-lover,