When I was a Boy
by R. Bentz Kirby

When I was a boy,
I thought my mother was sane,
My friends were loyal,
For everyone, there was a perfect lover,
Things just will work out,
My family was normal,
The First Baptist Church was the place to be,
Ladies wore white gloves and flowered hats,
Some carried a parasol,
Everyone rode the bus,
Quarters were silver,
Pennies were copper,
Dollars were silver certificates,
Houses cost $20,000,
Cars cost $1500,
Crayfish lived in the creek,
We would build dams,
Swing on vines,
And play war forever,
Kick the can was the most fun,
Allez allez in free was cheating,
AUH2O was cool,
The Beatles were better than the Stones,
And one day, I would kiss Denise again.