My Blade
by Ron Mier

There must be something uniquely fortuitous about this
        but what it is
I cannot tell
I bend and grab the ceiling
For what I thought to be my life
        but for my life!
I don't know what it is now
It's nauseating, really
This view of reality for what I was told it should be
"Give me another dose, doc"
MUCH better
Do I still need this examination?
it's a little uncomfortable
Coughing up the apology that
        Is mine to give to myself
Sorry to me, sorry to me

Grip the spine
Let the scream escape into the fan
It whirs with the sound of piece, of ire, of extraordinary

Whip the froth, sugar the renal leakage
Hold on for the ride without much fur
Cacophony again
swallow the pill - it was plucked for me
EVE! Leave me the fuck alone!
I'm not crazy anymore!